Fall 2023 Player Evaluations

Player Evaluations for the upcoming Fall 2023 season with occur on May 18th at the Hampden Academy Upper Baseball field located behind the Track field.

U8/U9/U10 players will start at 4:30pm and end by 5:30pm
U11/U12 players will start at 5:30pm and end by 6:30pm
U13/U14 players will start at 6:30pm and end by 7:30pm

If you player would like to be considered for an older age group, they should plan to attend their age and the next age above theirs. This will especially be needed when changing from one session time to another (example: going from U10 to U11 or U12 to U13). If your player cannot make their session time, then please message us on FB or email president@coldbrooksoccer.com to notify us.

Alternate rain date will be May 25th.

Fall 2023 Registration is Open!

Registration for the Fall 2023 season has begun and our player evaluations are scheduled for May 18th @ Hampden Academy’s Upper Baseball Field. That’s the one behind the track field!

Please visit the Registration page for information on how to register for the season. We look forward to seeing everyone on the fields soon!